Severe Weather/Storm Spotting

This information is from the NOAA Weather Meteorologists in Sullivan, WI.

Milwaukee/Sullivan Weather WEB site address Milwaukee/Sullivan WEB site

Information about storm spotting can be found at the "Storm Spotter's Page" (the page is in the Blue column to the left of Southern WI base map.)

Basic and advanced storm spotter slides sets (Part I and II) can be found on the Storm Spotter's Page.

Storm Spotter Information:

Storm Spotter Training Schedule for Current Year

Spotter Do's and Don'ts

Links to other NWS offices can be found at this address.

Brochures and Publications can be found at this address: (Some advanced Ideas) (Microburst Info)

Storm Prediction Center

Wisconsin Severe Weather Graphics and Beancounts

Stoughton Tornado on DVD (8/18/05) (pdf)

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